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Hey look a squirrel!

Writer's picture: Derek BeckmanDerek Beckman

Oh my gosh, can we talk a about distractions for a minute? They seem to be everywhere! From our phones, chores, to life itself. There really seem to be a lot of ways for us to just chase every squirrel that comes into view. I have recently allowed my self to be distracted by my social media. Tiktok is scary good at trapping me! And I needed to have a serious conversation with myself about how it was impacting my productivity and my goals.

I feel like that from time to time it is ok for us to take a break and allow those distractions some room. We cant possibly be "on point" all the time. It would be far too stressful. I have an everything in moderation mentality. We have to be honest about being a casual user of the internet/social media, and when we have become dopameine addled phone zombies? And fella's let me tell you, the phone is especially set up to be our nemesis.

From thirst traps to online casinos, it seems that our phones have become the perfect dopa hit. And we can open that bag any time we want. Our phone is even expected to be on us at all times. In between sets? Scroll insta! Waiting in line for coffee? Check your bet on draftkings. New Email! New likes! New comments! Someone tagged you in a video!!!!! Your phone screams" look at me!" every 5 seconds! And then after we give in and look, it has us! "Oh I noticed to stayed on that post for an extra millisecond! Here's five more just like it!" And more and more and more. Oh you got a text, an email, someone is calling to set an appoinment, you just remembered that thing you most definitly can't forget! We carry our distractions with us every where we go.

And I have been 100% distracted in the past 6 weeks. I have forgetten to write, because it was easier to scroll. I let work stress me out to the point I was just angry all the time. When I finally sat down with myself and addmitted I was distracted, I also had to admit that I was miserable. See the funny thing about an easy fix, is it never lasts as long as we need it to, and then we need more and more and more, and then those distractions distract us more and more and more. It's a terrible feedback loop that we can very easily get chaught in.

So what do we do? I find that I am most happy, when I am being disciplined. When I am hitting my work out goals. When I am doing the work I am supposed to be doing versus looking at the reality distortion mirror on my phone. Like anything it comes down to being honest with ourselves and admitting our problem. The phone is truly our nemesis. And while I feel it has its place as a tool, we must to be judicious in how we use it. We all know that it has been engineered to be addictive. It was intentionally rigged against us. To steal our time and our attention. We must remain vigilant! Turn off your notifcations. It is ok to use social media, but manage your consumtion of it. Its ok to answer emails expediantly, but time block that business. Having a conversation already? Dont look at that new text! Really what I am asking you to do is slow down, focus and in some cases shut up. Our distractions want a response. That is what gives them power. Even the off hade comment on threads can lead us down the rabbit hole of distraction. As imrotantas we are, not everything needs our immediate attention or our input.

We are switch trackers not multi taskers. No matter what any body wants to tell you about productivity. We can only focus on one task at a time. And I find I am at my best when I stay focused. It doesn't matter if it is trying to be present as a husband and father, or running class. When I am focused I am the best version of myself. I can truly concur the day so long as I am dailed into the task at hand. And that is my one of my goals for the year, to strive for better attention and execution through focusing on what really matters. I am running a small business with my wife. I am also trying to keep my real estate practice healthy and I am trying to win a world title. And yes it is a lot. But I personally need that kind of pressure. It holds my attention it reminds me to do the things that build me up, instead of the things that take from me. And I cannot fail! I must absolutly succeed in these endeavors.

I would implore you to do the same. Take some time to look inward and find what motivates you. Find what builds you up, and shift your focus to that. You don't need a million tasks like I do, but you need to honest with yourself. If you can make that small shift to focusing on the "how" and the "why", your mindset will readjust and you will find yourself less distracted. Less easier to be manipulated by your phone. And you, might just may, be a little happier for it.

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